PLAYLIST : Lo-Fi House

I like house music in the club, but listening to the expansive, repetitive tracks big time DJs produce can be a little boring if I'm not in the zone. Like when I’m at home or just walking around.
Enters lo-fi house, a dance music niche that borrows the codes of dance music and distills them through the prism of post vaporwave electronica. Sometimes mellow, sometimes bouncy, the result is way more fun to listen to in everyday life, while being no stranger to the dance floor.
Like vaporwave, the lo-fi house has been mocked and ridiculed as another left-field Internet phenomenon. Nothing new under the sun. And while the joke isn’t funny anymore, many music fans still find merit in the alternative genre, which should really tell you something.
I’ve made a playlist with some classics of the genre (by the likes of DJ Seinfeld, Ross From Friends, DJ Boring) as well as some promising up and comers. I’ll be updating it frequently, so stay tuned.