A Toronto-based blog about music, lifestyle, streetwear and urban culture

Internet Tattoo in Your Inbox

No fluff. No filler. No spam.

Just the best free plugins, the coolest new tracks, and the most essential beatmaking news.


A once-a-week dispatch with plugin picks, music tech news, DJ tips, and the occasional spicy take. If you like Internet Tattoo the blog, you’ll probably like this even more.

  1. Limited-time plugin freebies

  2. Music gear news worth your time

  3. Cool new tracks for da club

  4. Exclusive interviews with famous DJs

  5. Weird finds & surprises!

  6. No spam. No trying to sell you things. Just cool stuff you’ll use.


I have about 40 subscribers, only 1 person unsubscribed so far…

Not bad! 🤔