READER : Say It Like You Mean It

Some people turn lemons into lemonade, others turn them into gold. Reader is definitely one of those “into gold” people. If this South London multi-instrumentalist artist can’t get to the party, she’ll invent a party of her own, which is exactly what she did for her dreamy new video, Say It Like You Mean It. Conceptualized with her housemate, shot on iPhones, it’s an ode to nightlife, as well as a vibrant call to action. We had a chat with Reader to talk inspiration under lockdown and trash sample packs.
What’s the message behind your new single?
The song comes from being frustrated with someone when they complain about a situation but won’t do anything about it.
You have said that Say It Like You Mean It is a happy accident. Can you take us through the different steps of its production?
I made it just after I’d come back from New York - I’d gone to my friend’s office to get some work done, and I ended up downloading this really horrible sample pack online. I tried to use it to make a beat but it was trash lol. Right before I was about to head home, I found this synth sound, went off on a tangent and it turned into Say It Like You Mean It. I made it all with my laptop and guitar.
How did you create the video for your new single?
My housemate and I pitched together and got a green screen, softbox and projector, and then filmed the whole thing in my bedroom on our iPhones. We wanted it to be an ode to the things we can’t do during lockdown, like going out with your mates. So we put some old 90s rave footage up on the projector, had a couple drinks and filmed a music video! Then I got a few friends to send in videos of them dancing to the song in their respective isolations, and edited them into the video too.
How have you stayed creative during the lockdown? What things or rituals have kept you inspired?
Creativity during lockdown has come in waves. When I’m struggling to find inspiration, I’ll go on a run or a long walk and call my sister. Getting out the house and discovering somewhere new, even if it’s just a local park or a road behind my house that I’ve never walked down before, can help give a new perspective and ideas.
Can you name a few artists you’ve discovered recently that really inspire you? What do you like about them?
Did you hear the EP Headie One put out with Fred Again.. a couple months back? It’s insane. I love it. It reminded me of the first Jamie XX album with Gill Scott-Heron (probably cos he worked on the EP too haha). I’ve been listening to Fred Again.. non-stop since. I’m also low key obsessed with Sevdaliza - her music is so dark and beautiful.
Are you working on new music at the moment?
I am! It’s a little darker than Say It Like You Mean It. I’m really excited to finish it. There are a couple songs that are just me and a couple collaborations.
What’s coming up for you?
An EP before the end of the year, and a few tracks that I’ve produced for other people too.