The Best VST Deals of the Month: August 2022

Every day, I go around the Internet with a fine-tooth comb to find the best deals and steals out there. You enjoy making music, but you don’t enjoy spending loads of cash on your next favorite VST? I got you. You don’t have to compromise anymore. You can have your name-brand plugins and eat them too! (That didn’t make as much sense as I thought it would.) Check out these deals. You can also scroll down to find some of my favorite essential plugins. Either way, these are the virtual instruments and audio tools I love and I can vouch for.
FM8 | Native Instruments
FM synthesis is all over the music of the 80s. If your favorite song has glassy pads or bell-like keys on it, look no further than the DX7, Yamaha’s famous synth that was notoriously a pain in the butt to program.
Lucky for us, there are computers now. So you can get all the swagger of this digital synthesis engine, but now it’s easy to understand, and you don’t have to get your doctorate in astrophysics to figure it out.
And just in case you’re not really into Phil Collins, or whatever… This thing makes great trap melodies, lofi chords, left-field dance basses. Name it.
Native Instruments makes great plugins that sound good as soon as you open them up, and FM8 is no different. It’s fun and easy to use, plus it’s on sale for 10$ right now (and it’s worth 149$).
That’s the best 10$ you’ll spend all month.
Download FM8 here.
Sale ends on Sept. 6.
Lifeline Expanse | Excite Audio
This plugin is one of my new faves. This thing ROCKS. It's super versatile, and basically what it does is it adds a tone of flavor to your sound, and it can "spatialize" your elements in a weird way.
I’m not sure I understand everything that’s going on under the hood of Lifeline Expanse, but the results speak for themselves. So if you'd like your drums to sound like they were recorded in a musty cupboard, or if you'd like your guitar to sound like it's coming from another room through a haunted amp, this does that.
If you like artists such as Jai Paul and J Dilla, just people that have a different approach to mixing and producing, this is for you.
It’s on sale right now. Seriously, just get it.
Download Lifeline Expanse here.
Sale ends on Aug. 31.
Portal | Output
When the subject of granular effects comes on the table, I usually excuse myself. I’m pretty dumb you see, and I know I can’t really explain what’s going on under the hood of a plugin like Portal, so I’d rather be the strong and silent type. A few meaningful looks suggest I’m wiser beyond my years, and they leave people thinking I’m a mysterious genius.
What Portal offers is an abstract effect that sounds like a harmonizer had a love child with some old digital delay unit. Much like its beautiful and intuitive interface, Portal is like fragmented light piercing through your head.
If that sounds like something you could be into, get it. It’s on sale at the moment.
Download Portal here.
Sale ends on Aug. 15.
Softube Mix Plugins
It’s always the same debate… Who has the best mixing plugins? Is it UAD? Or Waves? Well, hold on a minute there, don’t forget my personal favorite: The plugins engineered with love by the nice people over at Softube.
Whether you’re looking for a nice saturation unit, a tape machine, or fantastic synth emulations, the Softube VST line packs all the punch of analog gear while giving you that modern edge if you need it.
All Softube plugins are on sale right now, with prices starting at 35$. What’s your excuse?
Check out Softube plugins here.
Sale ends on Aug. 31.
Analog Lab V | Arturia
If you know Arturia, you’re probably aware that the V Collection is a treasure trove of vintage VST synths, giving you the possibility to carry your favorite machines with you virtually, everywhere you go. It also gives you the possibility to skip the maintenance fees and soldering headaches, which is always a plus.
If you want an easy entry point to the world of virtual synthesis, please give Analog Lab V a go.
This plugin combines thousands of presets created across the whole range of classic synths available in the French company's range, as well as their modern original instrument, Pigments. It might seem like a cop-out to say that one of the best synthesizer plugins out there is "all the classic synths rolled into one'', but I feel confident doing so because Analog Lab truly feels like an instrument in its own right, especially for a guy who relies on presets, like me.
Arturia plugins are all on sale right now (including their range of vintage-style effects.)
Download Arturia plugins here.
Sale ends on Aug. 11.
Ozone 11 | iZotope
Through the years, I’ve had the chance to get my music mastered by some great engineers, and I’ve tried different automated services out there. Lately, I’ve been mastering my music through Ozone 11 though. This is a simple tool that’s very easy to use, yet it’s very powerful and it offers endless capabilities.
Of course, it will never replace the experience of mastering your tracks with a professional engineer, but I don’t think that’s their goal. With Ozone, Izotope offers a simple way to maintain the character of your original mix and obtain an industry-compliant master, while giving you the tools to push the dynamics of your tracks if you chose to do so.
Either way, Ozone is a must-have for the modern beatmaker on the go.
Download Ozone 11 here
Neutron 4 | iZotope
Similar to Ozone, Neutron 4 helps achieve a balanced mix through a partially automated process. You can throw it on different elements of a track and achieve a clearer, more defined sound. Neutron’s powerful algorithm analyses whatever you process through it to remove the fat and add definition.
I use many instances of Neutron in every one of my mixes. It’s great for when I need to process a bus, or when I’m having trouble placing an element in a track. Even when I think I’m done with a mix, I’ll still see what it can add (or remove) to my beat.
It’s not cheap, but it’s worth every penny.
Download Neutron 4 here
DCO-106 | Cherry Audio
You might be wondering if the world needs more VST emulations of classic analog synths? The answer is: Yes. Always yes.
Like any synth nerd, I love a good Roland Juno-106, and there are many great emulations out there, but Cherry Audio’s DCO-106 has been my weapon of choice lately. There’s something about the pleasing interface, the plugin selection, and the unpretentious nature of this version that I really like.
Cherry Audio is having a big sale right now. You can pick up an emulation of some of your dream synths for next to nothing. Or you can just treat yourself and grab their brand new emulation of the Memorymoog!
Download DCO-106 here
SynthMaster One | KV331 Audio
Was this synth designed by an alien or something? You can use SynthMaster to create amazing, out-of-this-world synth tones, or if - like me - you’re not a big sound designer, you can browse the library which includes over 1000 presets.
This is one of the most consistently beloved lines of synth VST out there, and you can see why. This instrument can create weird multi-layered tones and outside-the-box textures in a few clicks. It’s great for taking your inspiration to new territories while maintaining a versatile and musical aesthetic.
Regardless of the genre you like to produce, this is an incredible value!
Downlaod SynthMaster One here
Lounge Lizard EP-4 | Applied Acoustics Systems
There are a lot of electric piano emulations out there, and while a lot of them nail the characteristic Wurlitzer sound, not many achieve a vibe-y and deep Rhodes feel. Lounge Lizard EP-4 is the one to beat, it’s an electric piano VST that offers a lot of option, and I see it being used a lot by producers on YouTube.
If you want that electric piano sound you’ve been hearing on your favorite contemporary records, this one might be for you. If you’re looking for something cheaper, check out Velvet 2 (the next one on this list).
Download Lounge Lizard here
If you’re looking for some cool new synth VSTs, your boy got you covered (I’m your boy, btw. Nice to finally meet you.) Check out my list of top trap synths I love.
Cover photo: Jp Valery
All products featured in this post are independently selected by myself. However, when you buy something through my retail links, I may earn an affiliate commission.
All prices in this post are offered as indication only. Any price change may not be reflected in the article.