What Free Hugs Can Teach You About Marketing

Imagine you just moved to a new city. There’s a man on a street corner holding up a sign that reads “Free Hugs”. He seems clean, he has a peaceful smile, and now that you think about it, you love hugs. Yet, when you pass by him, you avoid eye contact and speed up your walk…
Fast forward to a couple of months later. You’ve been living in this city for a while now, you’ve walked by the “Free Hugs” dude a couple of times a day, every day. Sometimes you see people hugging him, more courageous people than you. Once he asked you what was your name, and he has been saluting you ever since.
Since you’ve first encountered him, you’ve had many conversations about the “Free Hugs” guy. Some of your friends love his presence, some have never noticed him. Yet he’s always there, faithfully, holding fort on his street corner. He’s part of the city.
Of course, one fine morning, as the sun is shining and you're in a particularly good mood, you decide to give the “Free Hugs” guy a free hug. And then you hand him a couple of bucks, not because he asked for it, just because it feels right.
A few months ago, when you first saw him, hugging him would’ve felt weird, or maybe even gross. You were worried he might try to pickpocket what you handed up giving him. You didn’t trust him yet.
The fact that he’s constantly at the same spot, and that other people you know love him has build your trust. Without him doing much more than standing there, you guys built a connection.
Being a professional artist often feels like standing on a street corner, offering free hugs to people who are too busy to notice you. Some artists give up right away, others can’t stay in place. But those who pick a thing and stick with it become institutions.
Patience and consistency can really pay.
PHOTO CREDIT : @ioestreet